Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Birthday...

...SKIPPY! I just wanted to drop you a little line and let you know that I was thinking about you yesterday on your birthday. You're such a great friend and I really enjoyed talking to you the other day on the phone. You always brighten up my day and you just have a way of making me happy! Thanks for that! I hope you got to have a fun day! LOVE YER GUTS!!!

Cricket :)


Unknown said...

Happy Belated Birthday Skip!! Hope it was grand! Sure do love ya.

Sherri said...

Wahoo for birthday's!!! Hope you had a fantastic one! I sure do love your mom!

Becca said...

Ahh, thank you! You are so good to me...and my mom! It was a great day! I love talking to you too Cricket! We should do that more often. :)