Thursday, September 11, 2008

Where were you...

...on September 11, 2001 when you heard of the breaking news of the day?


Sherri said...

I was asleep up at USU. I wake up to the radio as my alarm, and heard something about an attach on NYC. So I got up, turned on the TV, and pretty much sat there the rest of the day. I think I went to one of my classes, but we ended up watching the news in class instead of having class.

It was just about the craziest day!

Alyson said...

That was the day my missionary was supposed to leave, so he was set apart the night before, and as I was getting ready to say my final farewell that day my roommate tells me the news. So I went to his house and we sat there watching the news all day. He didn't leave for 5 or 6 more days, but was officially set apart as a missionary. That was hard!

Heidi P, That's me! said...

Asleep at Snow College. I was abruptly awaken by a roommate, quickly going off on the news. I was very tired and confused. So I went and watched to news to get a slower version of the story.

Chelsey said...

I was living in China!

Tawnya Shaner said...

Getting ready to go to school at my house. My mom got a phone call and the look on her face told me something very bad had happened. Then we all watched the news for the next 3 days.