Monday, April 27, 2009

Sassy's Happenings

Sounds like a good idea Daisy (you have no idea how long it took me to remember you camp name just now b/c your post says by Sherri, the on FB obviously it says Sherri, and your blog . . . lol). Anyways!

The most exciting thing that has happened to me in the past month is that I'm having another baby. Yeah, I'm pretty much insane, but it'll be fun! :) I'm due November 18th (this makes me almost 11 weeks). That's probably all really.


Sherri said...

Holy cow!!! So that'll make 4 kids right? That's such a foreign thing to me. I can barely take care of myself let alone little ones. But congrats none-the-less!! Way to go!

Tawnya Shaner said...

Yea! You are insane :o) But if anyone can handle 4 little ones at once- you can!

Kristin Dyer said...

Way to go Sassy!!! I cannot believe it. You are so darn cute. I do miss you, and wish I could see your cute family. Any trips up to Logan lately? Love ya